Presentation Showcase


Brief: The 2024 Cheerwine Festival had record-breaking attendance, even though the event had to close early due to severe weather. As part of the event’s debrief process, each City of Salisbury department reports on their event responsibilities.

Solution: The Communications department provided a visually appealing report that captured the successful communications campaign prior and during the event, including social media and website data. The report also captures the crisis communications implemented when the festival had to close early due to severe weather. City staff and representatives from Cheerwine’s marketing team are impressed by the presentation and use the provided analytics to better prepare for next year’s festival.


Brief: The staff of Downtown Salisbury, Inc. (DSI) have requested a website rebuild. After several rounds of consultation, the design is ready to be pitched to the DSI board for review and approval.

Solution: A combination of analytics, wireframes and animated sketches are combined into a dynamic presentation to pitch the new website rebuild and the new DSI branding elements. The pitch to the DSI board goes well and website rebuild is approved.